Sunday, February 19, 2012

short funny jokes

Posted by Milton at 6:41 AM

Obama jokes-Teleprompter

There was a video going around the Internet last week showing Obama as a college student doing a segment for Black History Week.  Even back then you could see how good he was with a teleprompter.

Short funny jokes-What time?

Q: What time is it when a ghost haunts your house?
A: Time to move to a new house!

Funny incident-Car wash

This amusing and rather worrying story was reported on St David’s Day, 2006 in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner and on BBC Radio 5 Live. for those of us who use car washes: BE WARNED.
A safety expert is demanding action after his car was damaged in a car wash. Richard Wrigley watched in disbelief as the boot of his red Jaguar got caught up in the mechanism of the drying machine at the car wash at Sainsbury’s Shore Head supermarket.
“I looked in the rear view mirror to see this red thing and realised it was the boot of the car,” he said. “The drying equipment had lifted the boot until it would go no further and crumpled it. I got out and left the driver’s door open. I was looking for a stop button. The next thing I saw was my car door opening further. I tried to move the car forward, but the drier pushed the door open until it was at right angles to the car body.” He added, “There was no way of stopping the machine and there are no safety instructions for drivers. Someone could have been badly injured. The machine didn’t stop when it came into contact with the car boot, it just carried on its way.”
Mr Wrigley, speaking on the radio, remarked that the latest quote to repair his door and boot was some £3000. He added, also, that his children who were with him in the car when this happened apparently thoroughly “enjoyed” the adventure!

Hilarious jokes-PETA release

PETA released an ad for Thanksgiving targeting kids saying, “If you wouldn’t eat a dog, why eat a turkey?”
All the kids from Korean and Vietnamese families in the United States are like, “What’s the problem?”

Short funny jokes-Skeleton beauty contest

Q: Who won the skeleton beauty contest?
A: No body
Humor directory-links


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