Thursday, April 5, 2012


Posted by Milton at 8:02 AM 0 comments

AddingPlay brings you the most engaging way to generate playful ideas and help gamify your brand or product.
If you want to better understand how gamification can be integrated into your website or project, this simple toolkit is the best investment you can make.
Order your AddingPlay toolkit today and start thinking like a games designer in no time. Your journey into the world of gamification awaits.

Become a game designer

  • Think like a gamification master.
  • Transform your ideas into amazingly playful experiences.
  • Stretch your creative output beyond imagination.

Improve Your Business

  • Gamify your service or product in record time.
  • Generate more meaningful ideas.
  • Engage colleagues and clients in the gamification process.

Make Someone Happy

  • AddingPlay is a great introduction to game design and makes the perfect gift for any budding game designer.

Use the AddingPlay toolkit to design games, gamify and add play to :

What people say…

Gamification SummitGabe Zichermann
Gamification Summit
Anyone who wants to gamify should have a set of these cards. I’ve used them at the gamification summit and would use them in every workshop I run.
L'Oréal UKMichael O’Connor
Digital Manager, L’Oréal
This is most definitely the easiest way of introducing gamification to any brand or process. Pure genius.
Samsung EuropeMalin Andersson
UX Design Manager, Samsung Europe
We all really enjoy using the cards for brainstorming and coming up with original ideas for gamifying our services.

Key elements of the toolkit includes :

Get yours today…


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