Thursday, February 23, 2012

epiphone les paul standard

Posted by Milton at 5:37 PM

How to Choose the Right Gibson Les Paul

Gibson Les Paul is arguably the best electric guitar to have entered the guitar industry. Today, its legend continues to live on. This article will give you tips on how to find the right gibson les paul for you:
1) The first thing you need to do to find the right Gibson Les Paul guitar model is to find a guitar, take it and play with it. Although what you’re holding is just a lifeless object, it is very important that you feel its action. Your fingers should be comfortable as you finger its strings around. Many electric guitars feature a rosewood neck which can make the sound of the guitar tougher. An electric standard guitar with a straight maple neck is highly recommended as it can work easier and faster. The guitar’s neck should also offer mobility and convenience for your fingers without giving them fatigue.

Gibson Les Paul Standard

2) Sound should be your next priority. To verify the greatness of an electric guitar, it must have a clean and clear tone. Amplifiers and pedals can greatly alter the sound of an electric guitar, but nothing can cover a bad quality sound that’s coming from the guitar. An old age way of checking the sound of an electric guitar is by pressing the strings located above its fret - when you press it there should be no buzzing sound present. 3) Choose between a humbucker and single-coil pickups. The type of wood you choose including its pickup is the part that controls its sound. The availability of its pickup is as follows. • Single-Coil which can produce a much sharper sound. Its downside is it tends to produce a tolerable hum through the amplifier. • Humbucker cuts down the humming sound though its muffled sound is a bit awkward to hear. Overall, if you want to have a very sharp sound then you should choose a single-coil pickup. For a more atmospheric sustained sound, humbuckers work better.


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