Thursday, February 23, 2012

shea butter

Posted by Milton at 11:28 AM

Shea Nilotica Shea Butter (Certified Organic)
Shea Nilotica Shea Butter (Certified Organic)
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Item ID: BT-1003-SB
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African Shea Butter Collection African Shea Butter Collection
Shea Organic Shea Butter (USDA Certified Organic) Shea Organic Shea Butter (USDA Certified Organic)
Shea Gold Virgin Pressed Shea Butter Shea Gold Virgin Pressed Shea Butter
     Shea Nilotica Shea Butter is produced by the Otuwe Shea Butter Cooperative in Northern Uganda. Many of the women have escaped the hands of their kidnappers from the rebel army. Some were even been kidnapped as young girls. Some have lost many of their family members, including their husbands and children. The Otuwe Shea Butter Cooperative gives these women an opportunity for independence that most women in Africa will never get. By selling their shea butter to Shea Terra Organics the women earn up to eight times what their western counterparts get for their shea butter. The women then use the money to feed, educate and get medical services for their children. Some women have taken on orphaned children after losing their own to the war, and are now able to care for them. Many of the women have bought their own small homes, in cash, built for them by the project.
     Shea Nilotica grows in green areas which receive far more rain than the dry savannahs where western shea butter grows. The women care for the shea trees and collect the nuts of the fallen fruits which they winnow and allow to sun dry. The nuts are then sent to the mill where they are crushed into emollient, soft butter. While women in western Africa will spend hours producing small amounts of shea butter, the women of the Otuwe Shea Butter Cooperative have been blessed with a mill to do the work for them, saving them hours of back breaking work while producing a superior quality butter. The women are paid premium for Shea Terra Organics' Shea Nilotica Shea Butter, and the cooperative have set the prices so that the women receive eight times what women in western Africa receive. By purchasing Shea Nilotica Shea Butter you are not only doing a great service for your skin, you are changing the lives of women and their children forever.


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