Thursday, March 22, 2012

north carolina deer hunting

Posted by Milton at 11:10 AM

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Spruill's Pasture Hunting Club - NC Deer Hunting - Carolina Hunting - NC Hunting - North Carolina Deer Hunting - Whitetail Deer, Black Bear and Turkey Hunting
North Carolina Full Service Hunting Outfitter

Welcome to Spruill's Pasture Hunting Club
Welcome to Spruill’s Pasture Hunting Club Outfitters. We invite you to our rustic 1950's era hunting camp and experience what it was like to be a part of one of the old deer hunting clubs that used to be prevalent in Northeastern North Carolina.  Located in the heart of the Indian Woods area of Bertie County, North Carolina, Spruill's Pasture's hunting camp consists of a clubhouse and several cabins that can sleep from 2 to 6 people. The Pasture Tract is privately owned family land that dates back to the 1830’s and is comprised of nearly 3,500 acres of pocosin swamp and high ground timberland where white-tailed deer, black bear, and wild turkey’s abound.  Spruill’s Pasture is in the heart of the southeastern portion of the infamous Roanoke River Basin.  Broad Neck, Town, and Company Swamp’s nearly 10,000 acres of Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge are all less than three miles from our camp.  Refuge Hunting permits are available by application for whitetail deer, black bear, and turkey hunting.

Bertie County - was originally part of Albemarle County, established in 1660.  In 1670, Chowan County, including Bertie Precinct, was cut from Albemarle County.   Bertie Precinct was finally given status of county in 1722 when it separated from Chowan County.  Initially, Bertie County was comprised of present Bertie County, Tyrrell County, Edgecombe County, Northampton County and Hertford County.  By 1780, Bertie County had been divided to resemble its current size.  Bertie County is quickly becoming a well known destination whitetail deer hunting to outdoorsman east of the Mississippi.

Indian Woods – is an area of Bertie County that got it’s name from the establishment of a reservation in 1717 for the Tuscarora Indian Tribe that resided in the area. They thrived here because of the abundance of white-tailed deer and other wildlife.  The Tuscarora Indians made their livelihood from hunting and fishing and there are still arrowheads and other Indian artifacts that can be found throughout the area.

Spruill’s Pasture – The Spruill’s Pasture tract of land has been in our family for over 4 generations.  My great-great grandfather, Charles Wayland Spruill, purchased the property in the 1830’s.  In his off time from farming and running the old Spruill’s Store and local Post Office, he and his son, Charles “Cousin Wayland” Spruill, hunted white-tailed deer along the Roanoke River and surrounding swampland in the fall and fished the Roanoke River for herring and rockfish in the spring.
Spruill's Pasture Hunting Club
Black Bear, Whitetail Deer and Turkey Hunting in North Carolina
NC Hunting - Carolina Hunting - North Carolina Deer Hunting
Phone: 252-489-9439
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