Google AdWords Professional Management
$100 free AdWords credit for new advertisers. 
Let’s be honest, Google AdWords can be a little intimidating for people who have never used it before. The potential of online advertising is astronomical as it is the fastest growing form of advertising. The internet now reaches more than 1.4 billion people and Google offers up 3 billion searches each day. This is a vast resource that can be tapped into effectively with Blair Ventures Connect AdWords management. When most people when they want to buy something, they search on google for information and by using Google AdWords, we can dynamically target customers based on what they are searching. So when people click on your ads, there are highly qualified customers now browsing through your website. Although there is great potential to generate a lot of business with AdWords, it is not always profitable if managed incorrectly. That is where Blair Ventures Connect comes in. Our experts will strategically plan your online marketing efforts in order to achieve a higher ROI. Never before have we had so much insight into what marketing efforts are achieving in regards to sales, and with Google AdWords tracking capabilities, we can continually optimize your keyword and ad strategies.
Blair Ventures Connect will work one on one with your business in order to find the management plan that works for your business. We even offer a free keyword and website analysis at no risk! Don’t believe we can dramatically increase your ROI, drop us an email through our contact form and we will get right back to you.  Our business model focuses on getting new business for you, our success is based on your success. In online advertising there is no hiding, the numbers tell all and we can prove to you why we matter! At the end of each month we will email a detailed report of what your online marketing efforts have accomplished.

Benefits of using Blair Ventures Connect
    Professional Google Adwords management
    Increased ROI for online marketing
    Access to customers around the globe
    Target high quality potential customers
    Real quantifiable results
    Advanced reporting analytics
    $100 AdWords credit for new advertisers! (how can you say no?)