Wednesday, April 25, 2012

network marketing training

Posted by Milton at 6:04 PM

Face-off With Fear In Cancun (Important Lesson)

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No I didn’t take that video. Wish I did, but left the camera at the resort. Larry and I just got back from a vacation down in Cancun Mexico a couple days ago and it was a wild time. Got to spend some quality time with some old friends we haven’t seen in awhile.
Catching up, enjoying the weather, and just letting loose a bit. It’s good to recharge the batteries once in awhile in the course of building your business. Since I got back, I feel more energized than ever to go grow our business and lay the foundation for the future.
So lesson one today would be to take a break once in awhile to recharge your spirit. I know we all want to run hard, nonstop, all out, massive action, do or die, but for personal productivity and effectiveness, a short break can do wonders.
However the main thing I wanted to share with you is something else I experienced on the trip to mexico. Out of all the things we did, from snorkeling, to riding speedboats, to visiting the mayan pyramids, I think the most fascinating thing was the cenote, or sinkhole we visited in Chicen Itza, a mexican town.
A cenote or sinkhole is a huge pit in the ground that is formed when the limestone bedrock collapses and reveals ground water down below. The video that I found above was the closest I could get to showing you what it is, but if you get the chance, you should definitely visit it in mexico. It’s an incredible site to see it in person.
As shown in the video, you take a set of stairs down a dimly lit tunnel all the way down several stories into the bottom of the pit where the water is. The coolest thing was that they actually let you swim in it. It’s kind of eerie because the water is so dark in person and you actually see black fishes swimming in it. Nonetheless, since there were so many people swimming in there, you had jump in and experience it.
Now there is one extra thing that you may have saw in the video and that is the 30 something feet cliff jump into the pit. Not sure how the video plays it, but it’s pretty high off the water in person and if you know me, I’m not too good with heights.

So here comes the point of the story and the reason why I’m telling it.
When I saw that cliff jump, it reminded me of a time I was at this water park that had a similar cliff jump.
I was a young kid, probably 7-10, and I remember going with my older brother to jump it. When we got there my brother jumped, but I looked down and psyched myself out.
Everybody kept saying just do it from down below, but I wouldn’t do it. And you know what? I regretted it all the way home and for years every time a conversation of that waterpark came up, because I knew I had let the fear get the best of me.
Now it has been many years later, and I when I saw that cliff jump in that cenote, I knew I had to do it.
Not just for the thrill, but to prove I could do it. I remember literally saying to myself, “this is literally facing fear dead on and overcoming it” as I waited my turn on line for my turn to jump.
When it was finally my turn, I didn’t hesitate, looked down real quick to see where I was going and just jumped.
And you know what, right after I landed in the chilled water, the first thought that came into mind was, “Damn that was too quick, I want to do that again!”
How nuts is that? Seconds before the jump, I was very apprehensive and butterflies up the wazoo, but right after the jump I immediately wanted to do it again!
It wasn’t as bad a my mind made it out to be. In fact, it was thrilling and even enjoyable.
Now fear of heights may not be a problem for you, but this can also relate to other fears that you might have. Fear of public speaking? Fear of making the calls? Fear of asking for your friend to join?
Many times, in fact, more often than not, the things you’re mind associates fear with are not as bad as you make them out to be.
When you face them dead on and overcome them you not only feel liberated and accomplished, but you also might find what you used to fear suddenly becomes enjoyable.
I know plenty of amazing public speakers who used to be terrified on stage. You used to have to drag them up on stage, but after they did it the first couple times, they started enjoying it and eventually becoming dynamic speakers.
Sometimes you just got to do it. As in in defeat the fear. Or else you might end up feeling regretful, which in my opinion is a whole lot worse than fear.
Don’t let regret infect your business because you were too scared to make the call, do the presentation, speak, or whatever.
Do you have a fear that has been getting the better of you? Share it as a comment below.
Then maybe take some inspiration from this post, and nip it in the bud.

If you enjoyed this post and want more like it, please share it with a friend and comment below!

Larry and Perry

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